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Newsletter Winter 2025

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Newsletter Summer 2024

In our ongoing efforts to organize the unorganized and always make Local 30 bigger and stronger, please welcome our newest groups to our great Union.

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Newsletter Spring 2024

This winter has been especially extreme and has caused much damage and loss throughout Southern California. The recent floods in San Diego County are certainly proof of that.
Some of our members suffered serious losses and as a result, the Local 30 Lifting Hands Hardship Fund helped. The Fund made contributions to these members to assist them in their recovery and certainly helped in the short run.

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Newsletter Winter 2024

ACI, Arizona RatIFifies New Pact
Local 30 members employed by Alternate Concepts, Inc. have reached a new 5 year contract.
Local 30 members employed by Alternate Concepts, Inc. (ACI) have reached a new 5-year contract with the private transportation company. ACI provides light rail services for the City of Phoenix, Local 30 represents the transportation supervisors they employ.

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Newsletter Summer2023

Local 30 Member Saves a Life
Local 30 member Luis A. Mejia , Sr. Medical Record Clerk III in the Medical Records - Radiology/Xray Department at Kaiser Permanente, was presented with an award from the Save a Life Program and the KP Recognition Committee for his actions at work. Mr. Mejia was surprised to learn of the award and even more surprised to see the patient he saved at the ceremony.

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Newsletter Spring2023

Kaiser National Bargaining
Marianne Giordano, Executive Director/CFO
Here we go again. As we approach our bargaining for the Kaiser Permanente National Agreement, we find ourselves in a familiar place, unfortunately.

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Newsletter Winter 2023

Local 30’s Newest Members Ratify First Contract
Earlier this year Local 30 Director of Organizing, Jamie Campbell, working together with the employees at Guide Dogs of America, won an NLRB election to represent them in collective bargaining.

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Newsletter Spring 2022

Local 30 Wins Union Election in Los Angeles
Guide Dogs of America, Inc. breeds, trains, and provides service animals to those in need of assistance. They have served the community for many years. Their employees are dedicated to providing the best quality service and care to ensure these animals are able to assist those who need it.

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The OPEIU International Union was please to announce the winners of the Howard Coughlin Memorial Scholarship Awards for 2021 and among those selected was Alex Chau the son of Local 30 member Helen Chau. Helen works at Mission Trails Medical Records in the Health Information Management Services Department. Alex was obviously very pleased by the news.

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Winter 2020-21

For all the extraordinary efforts made by our members employed at Kaiser’s hospitals and many clinics across San Diego County, the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, of which Local 30 is a part of, has successfully fought for and won the bonuses for all their workers.

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Fall 2020

It is official, Local 30 Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer Marianne Giordano has been reelected to continue her work leading Local 30. After filling the spot following the retirement of longtime Executive Director Walter Allen in 2018, Giordano was re-elected without opposition.

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Spring 2020

As the New Year begins the work continues. Last year Local 30 staff negotiated several contracts for our members and for some the struggle was more difficult than ever. The Kaiser bargaining alone was a great example but there were others as well. A sign of the times perhaps.

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Fall 2019

After a delay of more than a year and a half, and as a result of constant and unrelenting attempts to settle, the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (CKPU) finally won a new National Agreement with Kaiser on behalf of more than 83,000 workers nationwide.

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Winter 2019

Marianne Giordano has been president of Local 30 working together with Walter Allen, Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer for the past seventeen years. Since his arrival at Local 30 in 2001 first as International Union Trustee and then elected by the members as Executive Director/CFO, Allen has trained and mentored those around him to ensure a secure future for the union, and certainly no one more than Giordano.

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Spring 2018

Providing the best service and delivering the best contracts possible is the central focus of our Union and to that end, constantly improving on what we do and how we do it is critical. Our members deserve our constant commitment to be there when they need us but also to do the things that add value to their union membership through additional benefits and events which include not only our members, but their families as well.

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Fall 2017

I want to start by saying ‘thank you’. Once again, our membership has put its collective trust in me to lead this great local union and continue the work we have done together to get us all to this point. I sincerely appreciate the confidence and support of all our members. Thank you for your support. I would like to dedicate the rest of this column to recognizing the work of so many others who, working together with me and all our officers have made Local 30 the respected union it is. Let’s start with our president, Marianne Giordano.

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Spring 2017

I am happy to report that the news is all good for Local 30. To date this year we have successfully bargained contracts in all of our regions including units such as the City of Hope in Los Angeles and Zenith American Solutions in Phoenix which are reported on elsewhere in this edition, as well as other units in Denver and Arizona. Still to come are Sodexo Memorial in San Diego and Union Taxi in Denver. In addition to the bargaining and grievance work we continue to organize new units into Local 30. We are currently working with non-union employees in Kaiser Permanente as well as other units in the private sector. Growth makes us stronger and better able to support all of our members.

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Summer / Fall 2016

I am happy to report that the news is all good for Local 30. To date this year we have successfully bargained contracts in all of our regions including units such as the City of Hope in Los Angeles and Zenith American Solutions in Phoenix which are reported on elsewhere in this edition, as well as other units in Denver and Arizona. Still to come are Sodexo Memorial in San Diego and Union Taxi in Denver. In addition to the bargaining and grievance work we continue to organize new units into Local 30. We are currently working with non-union employees in Kaiser Permanente as well as other units in the private sector. Growth makes us stronger and better able to support all of our members.

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Summer / Fall 2015

To say that the first half of this year has been a busy time for all of us at Local 30 would be a huge understatement. But the good news is that it was certainly worth it. As a result of all the work and effort made we have settled and ratified contracts at the University of Southern California, and a number of agreements in Colorado and Arizona, and the KP National Agreement. All of these contracts included wage increases as well as benefit stability and/ or benefit improvements, all while the economy continues its slow recovery and many workers in our communities are still struggling to keep up. I congratulate all those Local 30 members who worked hard with our Business Agents and officers to bring such great results for our members.

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Spring 2015

There is a lot going on right now in our union and everyone is very busy making it all work. While we usually stay pretty busy with the normal workflow, when you add Kaiser National Bargaining to the mix everything changes. Over the next few months our staff and some of our officers and members will be engaged in different parts of that bargaining and in the end we are confident that we will return to our Kaiser members with a contract that they will be pleased to ratify. Our Kaiser contract covers more than 4,000 of our members in Local 30. Still there are many other things ongoing at the same time and all will receive our full attention as always. Some of those things include bargaining in our units in Arizona and Colorado. We have bargaining coming up this spring for our members at the University of Southern California. And we will continue our efforts to organize new members into our union as well. Our Events Committee continues its work to bring us the events that our members enjoy so well, and our Scholarship Committee will once again host our annual golf tournament fundraiser to support the Scholarship Fund.

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Summer 2014

Spring 2014

October-December 2013

September 2013


January-April 2013


Septermber-December 2012


May-August 2012


January-April 2012

August-September 2011

January-April 2011

October-December 2010

January-March 2010

October-December 2009

July-September 2009

April-June 2009

January-March 2009

October-December 2008

April - June 2008

January - March 2008


Local 30 Newsletters

OPEIU Local 30 Main Office

6136 Mission Gorge, Rd., Suite 214 
San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
Fax: (619) 640-4830 
Toll free: (866) 673-4830