Local 30 Subcommittees


The charge of this committee is to raise money through fundraisers and contributions from members and to review requests received using the guidelines to determine the appropriate assistance needed to help support Local 30 members in times of need.

Chair: Catherine Engler



This committee plans and manages all Local 30 events, fundraisers, conventions and conferences for the benefit of all Local 30 members.

Chair: Cathy Young


Generation Next! Young Leaders Council

The purpose of the Council shall be to promote, inform, and involve Local 30’s younger members with the intent to better prepare these members for roles in leadership in the union.  Through specific programs and events designed to enlighten and educate young members Local 30 expects to benefit both younger members and the union overall.

Meetings: Third Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m.

Chair: Alex Hurtado

Vice Chair: Manuel Santillan

Recording Secretary: Ezequiel Diaz


Nurses Council

The purpose of the Council is to promote, inform, and involve Local 30’s Licensed Vocational Nurses with the intent to engage and actuate our nurses about issues of concern to their profession.  Through specific programs and events designed to enlighten and educate LVN members, Local 30 expects to benefit both LVN members and the union overall.

Meetings: First Monday of every month at 5:30 p.m.

Chair: Martha Correa

Vice Chair: Jacqueline Gilbert

Recording Secretary: Marilyn Dodds



The most important thing any good union can do for the general good is to offer unionization to those who work without a contract.  The growth of unions benefits the middle class and raises working standards for all.


Just because a Local 30 member retires from work does not mean they no longer want to be a part of their union and continue to receive their union benefits.  This committeee provides special benefits to retirees too.

Meetings: Second Tuesday of every month at noon



This committee is responsible for the general management and oversight of the Local 30 Scholarship Fund, administration of rules and procedures, distribution of funds, and accounting and reporting.

Chair: Jon Larson



Local 30 Newsletters

OPEIU Local 30 Main Office

6136 Mission Gorge, Rd., Suite 214 
San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
Fax: (619) 640-4830 
Toll free: (866) 673-4830