Welcome to the Official Website of the OPEIU Local 30

This is a place for all members to visit to see what is going on in their respective areas. We intend to provide our members with responsible information, fun facts, and general communications on the actions and events of our Union.


Benefits for Workers Impacted by COVID-19

Benefits for Workers Impacted by COVID-19
What employees are entitled to may be confusing. The purpose of this information is to make it easier to understand what resources may be available. Please visit the following webpage for more information: https://labor.ca.gov/coronavirus2019/

Kaiser Permanente Contract Ratified!

On behalf of the executive director/cfo and your bargaining committee, we thank you for your overwhelming support and record-breaking turnout for ratification.

KP Contract Ratification:

98.1% Ratification YES!!!


Union Strong!

National & Local Tentative Agreements for Ratification

Here are the National and Local Tentative Agreements for your review. This is the same package that will be presented for a vote at the ratification meetings next week.




MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT. We don't get an agreement until we vote on it and ratify it!

We have reached tentative National and Local Agreements with Kaiser Permanente including the California Service Center. The terms of these agreements will be presented to our membership for a ratification vote. All members in good standing in OPEIU, Local 30 are entitled and encouraged to participate in the ratification process.

At these meetings the contract offer will be presented and explained, there will be discussion on the terms, and finally members will be asked to vote to accept or reject the offer. All Local 30 members should plan to attend a ratification meeting and make their vote count. Voting will be allowed at any time during the meetings for members who wish to cast a vote and leave. For those members with questions or comments, the meetings scheduled will allow time for both.

4,200 Kaiser Permanente Workers in San Diego Vote to Join Nationwide Strike

SAN DIEGO – More than 4,200 healthcare workers at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego will be joining a nationwide strike beginning Oct. 14, after recently voting to authorize a strike against the healthcare giant. It would be the nation’s largest strike in more than two decades – affecting more than 80,000 workers in six states and the District of Columbia.

“We believe the only way to ensure our patients get the best care is to take this step,” said Robert Sparrow, an x-ray technician at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego. “Our goal is to get Kaiser to stop committing unfair labor practices and get back on track as the best place to work and get care. There is no reason for Kaiser to let a strike happen when it has the resources to invest in patients, communities and workers.”

General Membership Meeting Dates

 Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thursday, April 24, 2025

Thursday, July 24, 2025

Thursday, October 23, 2025

 All meetings are held at 5:30 pm (PT).


Local 30 Newsletters

OPEIU Local 30 Main Office

6136 Mission Gorge, Rd., Suite 214 
San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
Fax: (619) 640-4830 
Toll free: (866) 673-4830