Welcome to the Official Website of the OPEIU Local 30

This is a place for all members to visit to see what is going on in their respective areas. We intend to provide our members with responsible information, fun facts, and general communications on the actions and events of our Union.

OPEIU Webmaster

Family Fun Day at the Zoo - Sorry! SOLD OUT

Saturday, August 26, 2017
11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Zoofari Party Area
Picnic Buffet Food Service: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Enjoy the Zoo all day 9 a.m.- 9 p.m.

Ticket Prices: (6 tickets max per member)

Ages 12 and up: $25 each
Ages 3-11: $15 each
Under age 2: Free (no ticket required)

Local 30 Scholarship and New Student Debt Relief Program – Apply Today!

Dear Local 30 Member,

I am very pleased to announce the new Student Debt Relief Program as part of the Local 30 Scholarship Fund. Once again, the members of our Scholarship Committee have worked very hard to bring our members this wonderful benefit. If you, or a member of your immediate family is currently attending College, or will be this fall or have loans from a recognized student loan provider or debtor organization, and are current in their student loan payments, then this Union benefit is just in time.

Local 30’s ‘Shoes for Kids’ Shoe Drive

There’s an old saying, ‘No matter how tough you think you have it, there’s always someone worse off.’ We recently learned of just such a case, and we want to help.

Perkins Elementary School in Barrio Logan in San Diego is a public school with students from K-8th grade. At first glance this school looks like many others with children at play, learning, and carrying on as kids do. But this school has a very difficult challenge that makes the student’s success very difficult; Homelessness.

PSP Payouts for 2016

It is that time again when we receive the payouts from the Performance Sharing Program (PSP) in accordance with the National Agreement.  All union members in the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions will receive a payout for 2016. 

Click Here to download more information (PDF Format)


PSP Joint Coalition Communication

Coalition Union Brothers and Sisters,

Good news. Your hard work has paid off. Under the Performance Sharing Plan (PSP), our qualifying union members will receive a final payout based on the 2016 performance goals reached by each medical center and regional operation in the Kaiser Permanente Southern California region.

General Membership Meeting Dates

 Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thursday, April 24, 2025

Thursday, July 24, 2025

Thursday, October 23, 2025

 All meetings are held at 5:30 pm (PT).


Local 30 Newsletters

OPEIU Local 30 Main Office

6136 Mission Gorge, Rd., Suite 214 
San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
Fax: (619) 640-4830 
Toll free: (866) 673-4830