Local 30 News

Local 30 Scholarships – And the winners are

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2015 OPEIU Local 30 Scholarship Fund Awards.  Each award is in the amount of $1,500.00.

Toy Drive – Giving feels good, and does good too

On behalf of the Staff, Officers and Executive Board of Local 30, we would like to thank you for your participation and generosity.  The Toy Drive was a huge success!  Many union families in need will benefit from this great event.  Thank you! 

President Obama Praises Labor Management Partnership

President Obama Praises Labor Management Partnership
Kaiser Permanente is “considered one of the premier health organizations in the country,” according to President Barack Obama, because it’s a place where union workers have a voice to improve quality and service. Check out this video excerpt from the Oct. 7, 2015, workers’ voice summit at the White House to hear Obama’s praise for KP and the Labor Management Partnership.

The 2015 Flu Season Has Started! Get Vaccinated Today!

The 2015 Flu Season Has Started! Get Vaccinated Today!
GET YOUR FLU SHOT - The flu is serious. A flu shot is your best protection. Yearly vaccination is necessary because the vaccine is adapted to match each year’s expected flu viruses.  Now is the time to be vaccinated. Flu activity has started early this year and the Flu Season is now officially underway. Because it takes the vaccine 10-14 days to provide protection it is important to get the flu vaccine now. Protect yourself, your family, co-workers and our patients. 

Mandatory Vaccination or Masking Required: The San Diego County Department of Public Health has mandated that all health care workers be vaccinated for influenza or wear a surgical mask in patient care areas effectiveNovember 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016.

CLUW Launches First National Women’s Health Survey: All Union Women Are Urged to Take A Few Minutes to Answer

CLUW Launches First National Women’s Health Survey: All Union Women Are Urged to Take A Few Minutes to Answer

"As part of its commitment to empower union women, the Coalition of Union Women (CLUW)   provides its members with health information. To assist us in tailoring that information, we created a short survey with one of our Spread the Word campaign partners, HealthyWomen," announces CLUW President Connie Leak.

President Leak explains the survey results will allow HealthyWomen to work with CLUW to provide CLUW members with the health information they want on a regular basis, delivered via the communications format/s they prefer.

The short survey, which is going out via “Survey Monkey,” is called Getting to Know You and Your Health Needs: Audience Survey for Women. You can access it here: 



OPEIU Local 30 Main Office

6136 Mission Gorge, Rd., Suite 214 
San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
Fax: (619) 640-4830 
Toll free: (866) 673-4830