General Membership Meeting July 23

General Membership Meeting July 23

Dear Local 30 member,

Our General Membership meeting on July 23rd will be held as scheduled.  Out of an abundance of caution, members who plan to attend any of the meetings in person will be required to wear face coverings, (masks will be provided), and we will practice strict social distancing at all locations.  Given that some of our regions are again enforcing shutdowns, we are now offering members the option of joining the meetings remotely by Zoom if they would prefer not to attend in person.

If you should choose to attend by Zoom, please send an email to for a link to register.

It is our intention to keep our members safe while ensuring that they have the ability to participate in their union. 

In unity,
Marianne Giordano
Executive Director/CFO

Categories: Local 30 News

OPEIU Local 30 Main Office

6136 Mission Gorge, Rd., Suite 214 
San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
Fax: (619) 640-4830 
Toll free: (866) 673-4830