Local 30’s ‘Shoes for Kids’ Shoe Drive

Local 30’s ‘Shoes for Kids’ Shoe Drive

There’s an old saying, ‘No matter how tough you think you have it, there’s always someone worse off.’ We recently learned of just such a case, and we want to help.

Perkins Elementary School in Barrio Logan in San Diego is a public school with students from K-8th grade. At first glance this school looks like many others with children at play, learning, and carrying on as kids do. But this school has a very difficult challenge that makes the student’s success very difficult; Homelessness.

Of the 500 plus students at Perkins one third are homeless, another third are marginally situated, and many of these families live in shelters. The needs of these children are many, and their options for assistance are few. That is why Local 30’s Executive Board has chosen to help.

The goal of the Local 30 ‘Shoes for Kids’ drive is to donate 500 pairs of new shoes of various styles and sizes for the students at Perkins Elementary to be delivered this fall for the new school year. We will accept donations of new shoes in any size and style, for girls or boys throughout the summer. Shoes must be school attire meaning no flip flops or the like.

For those members who would like to donate but really don’t want to go out and buy shoes we also have available coupons that can be purchased which we will use to buy the shoes needed. The coupons come in $5, $10, and $20 denominations. 

This is a really worthwhile cause, one which your leaders fully support. We ask you to consider helping in any way you can.

Please help us make our goal and help these kids get their new school year off to a bright start. Thank you!

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Categories: Local 30 News

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San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
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