The 2015 Flu Season Has Started! Get Vaccinated Today!

The 2015 Flu Season Has Started! Get Vaccinated Today!

GET YOUR FLU SHOT - The flu is serious. A flu shot is your best protection. Yearly vaccination is necessary because the vaccine is adapted to match each year’s expected flu viruses.  Now is the time to be vaccinated. Flu activity has started early this year and the Flu Season is now officially underway. Because it takes the vaccine 10-14 days to provide protection it is important to get the flu vaccine now. Protect yourself, your family, co-workers and our patients. 

Mandatory Vaccination or Masking Required: The San Diego County Department of Public Health has mandated that all health care workers be vaccinated for influenza or wear a surgical mask in patient care areas effectiveNovember 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016.

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