Gen Next/ Nurse Council Team Up

Gen Next/ Nurse Council Team Up

Gen Next/ Nurse Council Team Up

In yet another showing of Local 30 activism our Generation Next young leaders council together with our Local 30 Nurse’s Council joined in on a beach cleanup at Tourmaline Beach. The event sponsored by the San Diego Surf Riders Association drew more than 100 civic minded individuals including Local 30 members in this community event. 

“We simply wanted to help in our community and show others that our union is more than just our representative where we work,” said Carolina Aceves, Victoria D’Albero & Margie Fernandez from Gen Next.  “We wore our Local 30 shirts for all to see, had a great time, and made a difference.  It feels really good!”

“Our members love to contribute. There’s a lot more to us than who we are at work and lot more to our union than what people may think,” said Local 30 Business Agent Angela Jensen.

“It was fun and very worthwhile, and we learned that smoking is still a serious problem given all the cigarette butts we picked out of the sand,” reported Cecilia Barry, Sharon Simsay & Jacqueline Gilbert, obviously from the Nurses Council.

More events are being planned and all Local 30 members are invited to participate.  Watch the Local 30 web site for information on upcoming events in your area and join in on the fun.

Categories: Local 30 News

OPEIU Local 30 Main Office

6136 Mission Gorge, Rd., Suite 214 
San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
Fax: (619) 640-4830 
Toll free: (866) 673-4830