
Don’t Sign It! Fair Pay For Hard Work!

Today, the San Diego City Council overrode Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s veto and OFFICIALLY PASSED THE EARNED SICK DAYS AND MINIMUM WAGE ORDINANCE! Their override means that the Earned Sick Leave-Minimum Wage is once again in place to help hardworking San Diegans who struggle to pay the rent and buy groceries.

However, our fight continues, opponents representing a small handful of special interests have announced that they are prepared to spend what it takes to repeal the law. They will be in front of grocery stores and other areas in the city attempting to collect 34,000 signatures to repeal the law.

To push back against this brazen attack against hard working San Diegans we need your help! Council President Todd Gloria, Irwin Jacobs, Mel Katz, Bill Walton and Barbara Bry kicked off the citywide campaign, simply called “Don’t Sign It,” to defeat the referendum against the ordinance.

Today, City Council stood up for 280,000 San Diegans who lack sick leave and nearly 200,000 low-wage workers who work hard every day and can’t afford rent and groceries, now its time to do our part. 

Here's what you can do

  1. Take the pledge not to sign the anti-sick days anti-minimum wage petitions.
  2. Inform as many people as possible that the earned sick days and minimum wage policy HAS PASSED, and that any signature gathering effort is an attempt to TAKE IT AWAY!! Tell your friends: DON’T SIGN IT!
  3. If you see a signature gatherer, call or text the following hotline: (619) 930 – 3300.
  4. Volunteer.

Click here to take the pledge to protect the Earned Sick Leave-Minimum Wage Ordinance.

Also, please download this “Don’t Sign It” image (right click + save image). Please post it on social media and print it out and hang it for all to see.


OPEIU Local 30 Main Office

6136 Mission Gorge, Rd., Suite 214 
San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
Fax: (619) 640-4830 
Toll free: (866) 673-4830