Coalition of Labor Union Women Hold 16th Biennial Convention

Coalition of Labor Union Women Hold 16th Biennial Convention

Coalition of Labor Union Women Hold 16th Biennial Convention
The Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) is an organization that represents the voice of all working women.

The primary purpose of CLUW is to unify all union women into a viable organization to determine and seek remedies to our common problems and concerns and to develop action programs within the framework of the labor movement to effectively promote our objectives.

Union women share common concerns and goals despite ethnic, generational, geographic, industrial, and occupational differences. Gaining full equality within the labor force requires the full attention and participation of the labor movement especially from the women within it. CLUW has taken aggressive steps to address the critical needs of millions of organized and unorganized and unorganized sisters.

The core objectives of CLUW are to empower women to participation at all levels in the labor movement, organize the unorganized, promote affirmative action, and social and economic justice in the workplace. To achieve this it’s imperative that women’s participation increase in political and legislative processes. This is a struggle that goes beyond the borders of this Nation and CLUW urges working sisters throughout the world to join the cause to accomplish these objectives through their labor organizations.

OPEIU Local 30 is also committed to inspire and educate union women and men to insure and strengthen our participation in the labor movement.
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OPEIU Local 30 Main Office

6136 Mission Gorge, Rd., Suite 214 
San Diego, CA 92120 
 Tel: (619) 640-4840 
Fax: (619) 640-4830 
Toll free: (866) 673-4830